作者jack34031 (Jackal)
標題[情報] 數則MLB自由球員情報
時間2024-11-03 01:00:54
Diamondbacks INF Eugenio Suarez is having his option picked up for 2025, per
a source. It’s for $15 million.
響尾蛇執行內野手Eugenio Suarez的15M球隊選擇權
The Yankees have declined their option on Anthony Rizzo, per the team. He's a
free agent.
洋基不執行內野手Anthony Rizzo的17M球隊選擇權,用6M買斷
BREAKING: Chicago Cubs CF/1B Cody Bellinger picked up his $27.5 million
player option for the 2025 season and will not be a free agent, sources tell
me and @JeffPassan.
小熊外野手Cody Bellinger執行27.5M球員選擇權
Left-hander Robbie Ray did not opt out of his contract with the San Francisco
Giants, sources tell ESPN. He has two years and $50 million remaining on the
five-year, $115 million contract he signed before the 2022 season.
巨人投手Robbie Ray選擇不跳出合約,繼續執行剩餘2年50M的合約
Joc Pederson has declined his end of a mutual option, source tells ESPN. He's
a free agent.
響尾蛇指定打擊Joc Pederson不執行14M球員選擇權,成為自由球員
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-web.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://ptt-web.org.tw/Baseball/M.1730566858.A.22A
推 scott8257: 舊金山盤子隊 11/03 01:01
推 huangjyuan: Rizzo退化太多 11/03 01:08
推 ct13579: 2023WBC美國隊先發之一Nick Martinez 再度逃脫合約 11/03 01:08
推 railman: 洋基會補誰補一壘的洞? 11/03 01:16
→ amud85201: DJ Lemahieu啊 合約還有兩年 阿攻守都爛又是另一回事了 11/03 01:22
推 lutano: 演藝圈一堆包養好嗎 11/03 01:22 → jack34031: 或是Ben Rice 11/03 01:24
推 GABA: Rizzo守備還行 但長打GG 11/03 01:26
→ sa13961387: 被臨檢賺 11/03 01:36
推 jonny60604: 世界大賽兩邊1B完全極端,Rizzo 0長打0打點… 11/03 01:36
推 totoro35: Perderson今年算生涯年了,難怪會跳出 11/03 01:42
推 muiwo: 政治圈一堆包養好嗎 11/03 01:42 推 Notif520: Rizzo季後賽也是帶傷打 自由人是腳傷Rizzo是手指骨折 11/03 01:53
推 travis915117: Rizzo的生涯就因為那次碰撞一落千丈 11/03 01:54
推 daniel0202: Rizzo金手套 但是就剩手套 DJ也很慘... 11/03 02:40
→ likeyouuu: 17M的Rizzo 不好嗎? 11/03 04:17
→ bingreen: DJ上場幾乎都在雷,救命呀= = 11/03 06:53
推 sunuzo: 有錢人一堆包養好嗎 11/03 06:53 推 sunlar: 一壘養ben rice吧 11/03 08:40