為了因應明年奧克蘭運動家的到來 巨人3A主場 Sutter Health Park正在如火如荼的進行改造 然後由於草皮使用量將暴增(兩隊共用) 所以草皮將改用人工草皮
但綠帽球員似乎不知道這事 Oakland Athletics right-fielder Lawrence Butler liked playing baseball on turf a s a kid in Atlanta, traveling to facilities in East Cobb and the surrounding are a. But the surface lost its appeal as he grew older. Butler said turf’s higher ris k of injury, the different feel from grass and the ball bouncing differently are reasons he would rather play on grass. 綠帽24歲外野手Lawrence Butler表示他越長大越不喜歡在人工草皮上打球 認為受傷機率增大,比較愛在天然草皮上打 Plus, the surface — often hotter than the actual temperature — can grow especi ally hot in the South in the summer. 此外人工草皮上的溫度會比實際溫度還更高 “Our feet used to be burning on turf,” Butler said. “There was no dome. The s un’s just beaming off the turf. That turf gets really hot — really hot. I didn ’t like that at all. My feet were just on fire.” Lawrence Butler:腳像在燃燒一樣 Butler, who has emerged as one of the A’s top players in 2024, was unaware he w ould be required to play on artificial turf as an A’s player in West Sacramento next year until the Chronicle informed him. 只不過這當下,Butler看來是沒注意到他們明年是要去人工草皮的球場打球 His initial reaction? 知道後的反應 “That’s crazy,” Butler said. “I’m not going to like that at all, to be hone st with you. It’s going to hurt. You’re going to feel it on your body. It’s g oing to be super hot.” Butler:不…………………………………. 要熱死這位黑人小哥了吧xdd
Four A’s players told the Chronicle they know little about the team’s move to Sacramento. Multiple players asked about the surface, including as to whether it ’s similar to Tampa Bay’s turf and if the mound is artificial. 有四位綠帽球員表示對明年搬去沙加緬度的實際內容所知甚少 也有多位球員詢問了草皮的情況 The A’s and MLB have told the Chronicle they are working to schedule as many ni ght games as possible. But day games will be unavoidable on Sundays because of M LB’s exclusive network window that day (with ESPN’s “Sunday Night Baseball” telecasts being the lone exception), as well as some getaway days. 由於沙加緬度夏天超熱 所以大聯盟表示明年儘量會排晚上比賽 加上3A一個主場系列戰都是一次打六連戰 也加深排賽程的難度 就不知亞太這樣球員會不會也太熱 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
ken35248: 塑膠不管什麼顏色,大太陽底下摸起來就是比紅土或草皮 07/26 21:58
ken35248: 燙,感覺真的很不舒服 07/26 21:58
faache17: 這傢伙不夠接軌國際 07/26 21:59
Seiran: 黃偉哲: 07/26 21:59
MK47: 人工草皮到底多燙啊XDDDD 07/26 22:01
piggyoil: 歐美包養真的很平常嗎? 07/26 22:01
johnwu: 又領先? 07/26 22:02
cobras638: Lawrence Butler 07/26 22:02
Lioli: 天然草會蒸發水分 人工不會 當然有差 07/26 22:05
sea0420: 亞太:? 07/26 22:07
kgkg0057: 多功能多使用又領先了... 07/26 22:14
TwixBar: 男友上包養網 該放生嗎 07/26 22:14
listensmith: 人工草皮下面會有黑膠粒,夏天站在上面真的熱暈 07/26 22:17
slainshadow: 站在柏油路上的感覺? 07/26 22:24
ccl007: 真的窮成這樣? 沒錢買草皮? 小聯盟就該有小聯盟的樣子? 07/26 22:29
TNYKowenYang: 台南市府: 07/26 22:33
sword78: super hot 07/26 23:44
boggicer: 是這個包養平台 07/26 23:44
Endospore: :我也是看報紙才知道 07/27 00:54
moriyaorange: 世界怎麼跟得上台南 07/27 06:58