作者citpo (GOOD JOB)
標題[情報] Kyle Hurt將接受Tommy John手術本季報銷
時間2024-07-25 05:02:45
BREAKING: Kyle Hurt will reportedly be undergoing season-ending Tommy John
surgery to repair a torn UCL.
Nothing but good vibes towards Kyle during this time
道奇新秀投手 Kyle Hurt 確定將動 Tommy John 手術
成為繼 Tony Gonsolin (2/9宣告報銷)
Emmet Sheehan (5/20宣告報銷)
Dustin May (7/13宣告報銷)
※ 文章網址: https://ptt-web.org.tw/Baseball/M.1721854971.A.E73
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