作者zxc906383 (無無)
標題[情報] 原本不簽約的新秀,天使加價兩次就簽了
時間2024-07-24 10:27:47
“I remember like the 4th or 5th round rolling around and I was like, man, I gu
ess like 4 or 5 or 6 will be done.
I guess school might be the best option for m
e,” said former Coronado pitcher Trey Gregory-Alford.
Former Coronado ace Trey Gregory Alford was set on playing baseball at Virginia.
天使第11輪第322順位選中的Trey Gregory Alford
But a call from his agent changed his mind and gave the star an opportunity of a
“It was the day before when I like kind of agreed to it . My agent called me li
ke do you want to do this? I’m like, let’s do it,” Trey said. “
They’re a go
od organization when it comes to pitching as well, and if you perform, they move
you up quick and kin of that deciding factor for me was either do I go to schoo
l and make it to the MLB quicker or do I sign out of high school and go pro quic
Trey made his decision.
“They came to me with an offer of like 1.5. I was like no, that’s not enough,
they came back again upped it and then upped it again.
They gave me a lot of money for school as well. Just pay for school wherever I w
So that definitely kind of made the deciding factor too. And during that time, h
e’s like you can sleep on it you can say no. And so evidently I kind of did mak
e the decision Tuesday morning, Monday night ish,” Gregory-Alford said.
11th-rder Trey Gregory-Alford signs w/@Angels for $1,957,500 ($1,807,500 counts
vs pool). @MLBDraft record for 11th rd, most ever in pool era after 4th rd. Colo
rado HS RHP, fastball hit 100 mph in impressive Combine bullpen session, also ha
s power slider. @UVABaseball recruit.
Fastball: 60
Slider: 50
Changeup: 40
Control: 45
Overall: 45
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-web.org.tw), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://ptt-web.org.tw/Baseball/M.1721788070.A.411
推 SbHunt: 本斥但多 07/24 10:29
推 hcl00: 這不是錢的問題 是錢不夠多的問題 07/24 10:29
→ dd1115dd1115: 會到這麼後面代表一開始真的很篤定去溺愛大學? 07/24 10:29
推 HJ01131425: 錢實在給得太多了 07/24 10:30
推 bxxl: 他給的實在太多了 07/24 10:31
推 Nicodim: 包養SD = aSugarDating 07/24 10:31 → Romulus: 沒有錢解決不了的問題 有的話就是錢不夠多 07/24 10:31
→ polanco: 天使是個好球團 如果表現好會升很快xd 07/24 10:32
推 Romulus: 噓 不要提醒經紀人偷臭 07/24 10:33
推 ralfeistein: 經紀人是不是在臭啊XD 07/24 10:35
→ yaes111: 看來是錢給不夠的問題 07/24 10:36
推 Foning: 閨蜜上包養網還推薦我... 07/24 10:36 → polanco: 天使19輪還有一個有狀況類似的高中投手 不過大概簽不下 07/24 10:37
→ polanco: 來了 07/24 10:37
推 edweepvp: 主委加碼 07/24 10:37
噓 JMashburn: 11輪給快200萬有夠盤 07/24 10:43
推 Notif520: 他實在是給得太多了 讓我沒辦法拒絕 07/24 10:53
推 shuaipcsh: 11輪200萬好多 07/24 10:54
推 u9596g12: 得加錢 07/24 11:00
推 ericinttu: 錢不是問題 但給的實在太香了 07/24 11:02
→ j3307002: 不像中職不肯加錢,難怪留不住人 07/24 11:02
推 abc33211: 他有說看不到未來嗎 07/24 11:03
推 mysister: 台全最的包養SD上線啦! 07/24 11:03 → CPBLlincecum: 這一輪的價碼欸,能在這裡選到應該是因為大家都覺得 07/24 11:08
→ CPBLlincecum: 會繼續升學,加上天使前面省的錢夠多 07/24 11:09
推 JoeGibsonJr: 直球有60 07/24 11:09
推 iwinlottery: 但錢實在是太多了 07/24 11:10
推 trylin: 官網排105 領到快200真的是用錢砸暈了 07/24 11:12
推 cir72: 現在包養網都這麼直接嗎 07/24 11:12 → yaieki: 哇好多 07/24 11:14
推 worf: 錢實在太多了 07/24 11:14
推 Adam6613: 說盤的看來是完全不曉得MLB選秀 07/24 11:16
→ trylin: 是盤沒錯阿 只是要把想讀大學的硬留下來也只能盤 07/24 11:18
推 owen91: 幫付學費 所以還是會先去大學? 還是退役後去大學幫付? 07/24 11:20
推 ATrain: 歐美包養真的很平常嗎? 07/24 11:20 推 vovovo: 當然是可以選擇1.5M簽不到就給他Air 07/24 11:30
→ vovovo: 但省下來的錢其他人也花不完,也不能挪到明年 07/24 11:30
→ vovovo: 只要不影響其他高順位的簽約,有簽到才是重點 07/24 11:30
推 huan0: 一看就是要消耗預算的天使,不必去查 07/24 11:34
推 bon01215: 高中生簽約金比較高很正常 07/24 11:42
推 grado0802: 男友上包養網 該放生嗎 07/24 11:42 推 pat415son: 什麼意思 選進來後還讓他讀大學不用進小聯盟? 07/24 11:44
→ AbukumaKai: 傻傻的 被經紀人騙了 07/24 11:58
→ AbukumaKai: 經紀人有盤子約很爽 球員待天使看不到未來 07/24 11:59
推 KaPo2013: 實在是太多了XD 07/24 12:03
推 playerhuang: 一開始感受不到誠意,後來感受到滿滿的誠意當然答應 07/24 12:38
推 smilejin: 是這個包養平台嗎 07/24 12:38